Sammy's Sudzy Soaps


Sammy's Sudsy Soaps

     My story with Sammy’s Sudzy Soaps starts with me not having any interest in soap making and knowing absolutely nothing about it. One day, out of the clear, came the idea and I almost immediately got rid of it.  No interest.  A week or so later it came back again, and again I got rid of it.  A third time it came back.  I knew a lady that had made soap years ago, so I asked her about it, and she told me that it was very time consuming and very expensive.  So, again, I did not entertain the idea.   A short time later I was plagued with the idea again, so I went to the University of You Tube and did a little studying. 😊  I saw how different people did it and it really didn’t look that complicated.  So, I started to slowly invest a little bit to try it out.  It got to be more and more interesting and fun, so I did more research and finally got to where I am today.

        I have 17 different fragrances and many different colors.  I try to match colors with the fragrance.  Doesn’t always work out that way but still produces good, high quality bars of soap.  Each bar contains all natural ingredients.   Olive oil, Coconut oil, Palm oil and Jojoba oil which produces lots of moisturizing lather in a long lasting bar.

     The name, Sammy’s Sudzy Soaps, comes from my youngest daughter.  Her nickname is Sammy.  Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s, named his restaurants after his daughter and I thought I might be able to do the same.  My name being Dave.

      I thank God for this venture, after all, I feel that it was He that kept putting the idea in my head.  Thank you, Father God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.



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